LoFric Origo Instructions
Instructions and videos
LoFric Origo Step By Step
LoFric Origo Sleeve - step by step
LoFric Origo – male users
LoFric® Origo™ single use, hydrophilic urinary catheter with salt solution for activation. For short and long term bladder management with intermittent urinary catheterization. LoFric catheters are for prescription use only. Ensure to follow the advice and training on the catheterization procedure given by your Healthcare Professional, before use. Please refer to instructions for use included in the package, for important information and complete instructions. Contact your prescriber if you experience difficulties.
Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.

Press to release the salt solution and the catheter is ready to use.

Pull the tab down to open.

Use the adhesive tab on the reverse side to attach the product to a dry, clean surface.

Take out the catheter. OPTIONAL: Pull and adjust the Insertion Grip located on the funnel, to control insertion without having to touch the catheter tube.

Lift the penis towards the stomach to straighten the urethra. Slowly insert the catheter into the urethra. When urine begins to flow, insert the catheter slightly more to ensure both eyelets are inside the bladder.

Angle the penis down as urine begins to flow through the catheter.

When the urine flow stops, slowly withdraw the catheter a little bit. If urine starts to flow again, wait until it has stopped to ensure complete bladder emptying. Then remove the catheter completely.

Put the catheter back in the package and dispose appropriately (local regulations may vary).

Special instruction for Tiemann/Coudé catheter, with slightly curved tip.
A special technique is required when using a Tiemann/Coudé. Speak to your healthcare professional for training and advice.
Note where the marker on the funnel is in relation to the curved catheter tip before inserting the catheter. It will guide you keeping the curved tip in the right direction during use.
Keep the curved tip upwards towards the stomach during insertion and throughout catheterization, including withdrawal. Or follow specific instructions given by your healthcare professional.
Tips for storing before use.
A. Tips for storing before use.
Foldable to pocket size. Use the slit to keep the catheter folded.

Instructions for use
Instructions for use (IFU) are available on this website for products that carry this symbol on the outer packaging.
Quickguide LoFric Origo
PDF, 534.22 kB
Quickguide LoFric Origo - Sleeve
PDF, 882.12 kB