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Whether you are a carer, a specialist, or completely new to continence care, Wellspect Education provides learning resources for your level of expertise.
Whether you are a carer, a specialist, or completely new to continence care, Wellspect Education provides learning resources for your level of expertise.
key:global.content-type: Webinar
Bev Collins, Clinical nurse lead, Wellspect, explains what Autonomic Dysreflexia (AD) is, talks through some of the main causes or triggers of this syndrome and what the symptoms of AD are.
key:global.content-type: Webinar
Debbie Green, spinal cord injury specialist lead, SIA, addresses some of the issues facing someone with a spinal injury with their bladder and bowel care.
Jessica Aparo, Pelvic Floor Specialist at Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust, answers the questions about Transanal Irrigation, most frequently asked by nurses and patients.
key:global.content-type: Article
Jessica Aparo, Pelvic Floor Specialist at Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust, talks about supporting a patient in the first few weeks after starting therapy.
key:global.content-type: Video
In this webinar you will hear from Consultant Physiotherapist Julia Herbert talking on pelvic floor dysfunction, the associated symptoms and the management options that are available.
Jessica Aparo, Pelvic Floor Specialist at Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust, talks about introducing patients to Transanal Irrigation.
key:global.content-type: Webinar
Constipation and faecal incontinence are bothersome symptoms of bowel dysfunction, often more common than talked about. Management of these symptoms is complex and conservative methods do not always improve them.
key:global.content-type: Webinar
Jessica Aparo, Pelvic Floor Specialist at Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust, talks about the assessment of patients being considered for Transanal Irrigation.
key:global.content-type: Webinar
Clinical Nurse Specialist, Liam Rice addresses key questions around Bladder and bowel management in MS
key:global.content-type: Webinar
In the short demonstration videos, it appears how user friendly they are and how easy it is to assembly, and disassembly Navina Irrigation System.
key:global.content-type: Webinar
In this webinar, Bev Collins, Clinical nurse lead, Wellspect, will talk you through conditions in children that may lead to bowel dysfunction.
key:global.content-type: Webinar
In this webinar you will hear registered nurse, urology and bowel therapist, Eva Westling talk about symptoms after surgery for removal of the rectum, or lower part of the bowel, and how to treat them.